2015 Field Courses – Part I

BFREE was proud to host 147 students and instructors through our field courses this season. Groups came from the United States and from within Belize to engage in topics ranging from Architecture to Agriculture to Protected Areas to Biology.  Rainforest experiences lasted anywhere from a day to a week, while the entire time spent in country averaged ten days.

While at BFREE, students were introduced to on-going conservation projects at the field station like the Hicatee Conservation and Research Center and the cacao and coffee agroforest. Many spent an afternoon volunteering with one of the projects. They also participated in hikes and river walks to get a feel for the rainforest. For those who stayed long enough, instructors assigned independent projects in which students were tasked with developing research questions and collecting preliminary data – often presenting results on their last evening at BFREE.

When exploring other parts of Belize, students visited banana plantations, participated in cultural homestays, snorkeled at the Belize Barrier Reef, and saw wildlife up close at the Belize Zoo. Though time moves slowly in Belize, the departure day always seemed to come too soon.

January Field Courses

  • “Architecture Study Abroad,” led by Lia Dikigoropoulou of New York City College of Technology

    New York City of Technology visits the Spice Farm (Ken Hopper – left – joined the group)

NYCCT get to see a fer-de-lance up close

Jacob Marlin gives a presentation on the fer-de-lance for NYCCT students

  • “Tropical Biology,” led by Jerry Bricker of Nebraska Wesleyan University
    Nebraska Weselyan University

    Nebraska Wesleyan University

    Nebraska Wesleyan spend time birding with Nelly Cadle

    Nebraska Wesleyan spend time birding with Nelly Cadle

  • “Eat Locally: Think Globally,” led by Elizabeth Ransom and Amy Treonis of University of Richmond, Virginia
University of Richmond

University of Richmond

University of Richmond students check out a termite mound

University of Richmond students check out a termite mound

February Field Courses

  • “Protected Areas Management,” led by Abigail Parham-Garbutt and Godfrey Arzu of Independence Junior College, Belize

    Independence Junior College

    Independence Junior College

Independence Junior College students learn about bird research from Lucy Welsh

Independence Junior College students learn about current bird research from Smithsonian Avian Technician, Lucy Welsh

March Field Courses

  • “International Field Experience in Environmental Studies,” led by Jamie Rotenberg and Vibeke Olson of University of North Carolina, Wilmington
University of North Carolina - Wilmington

University of North Carolina – Wilmington

UNCW students waiting for their snorkle trip to Laughing Bird Caye

UNCW students waiting for their snorkle trip to Laughing Bird Caye

  • “Tropical Field Biology,” led by Sean Werle, Nuno Goncalves, Adam Porter, Steve McCormick, Paul Sievert, Tristram Seidler , and Frank Carellini of University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    University of Massachusetts - Amherst

    University of Massachusetts – Amherst

    UMass students work on independent projects - pic by Sean Werle

    UMass students work on independent projects – pic by Sean Werle

    Stay tuned for our next issue which will include pics of the second half of the field season!

Support BFREE’s outreach programs on Giving Tuesday

After their visit to Belize Zoo, Golden Stream students received Harpy Eagle shirts.

After their BFREE field trip to the Belize Zoo, Golden Stream students received Harpy Eagle shirts.

#GivingTuesday started last year as a charitable answer to the retail shopping days of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. This year, BFREE would like you to consider donating to our outreach education programs to schools in communities surrounding BFREE and the Bladen Nature Reserve.

Since 2007, BFREE has offered outreach programs to primary school students in the neighboring villages of Golden Stream, Trio, Bladen, Bella Vista, San Jose, Indian Creek, San Isidro and Medina Bank. These programs have taken the form of classroom visits and field trips and encourage students to learn about and appreciate the forests and wildlife in their backyard. With over 1700 students participating over the past six years, we are encouraged and excited to continue to grow these programs.

In response to the recent Harpy Eagle sightings near some of the communities, BFREE focused its efforts on Harpy Eagle awareness in 2012 and 2013. With the help of the Belize Zoo, we hosted five field trips in 2013 to the zoo so students could see Harpy Eagles up close and learn more about these amazing creatures. The Mountain Corporation helped support our efforts with donation of specially designed t-shirts to the project.Golden Stream

During the next two years, BFREE plans to expand our outreach focus to introduce students to agroforestry and investigate how cacao and other shade-grown crops become healthy homes for wildlife, including migratory birds who travel between the Canada, the United States and Central America.  Help us to expand our curriculum to include agroforestry and offer more field trips to BFREE in 2014!  Our goal is to raise $1,500 to host field trips for 5th grade students this year.

Follow this link to donate to BFREE on #GivingTuesday!