New Composting Toilets

composting toilets

BFREE’s new composting toilets will aid in conservation efforts and are going to be installed throughout the BFREE property.

Over the past few months, we have engineered and installed three composting toilets: one near the kitchen, one near the bunkhouse and one near the three new cabanas. This cool system separates the urine from the feces, allowing feces to dry and decompose, ultimately becoming fertilizer. Jacob Marlin and Dan Dourson collaborated to make the design and they are very excited that the project is nearing completion.

The state of the art design will allow BFREE to be more eco-friendly and sustainable. River rocks were collected with the help of Keene High School to use as building materials for the walls. Eventually, these bathroom facilities will have associated educational materials highlighting the conservation design and the importance of saving fresh water.

composting toilets side

We are always looking for new ways to improve our buildings and hope to use this design throughout the BFREE property. As Jacob says, “give a shit for conservation!”

2013-04-10 composting toilets 32013-04-15 composting toilet 3

New Cabanas

Mick Baisley and kai Reed finish the concrete for one of the new cabanas at BFREE.

Kai Reed and Mick Baisley finish the cement for one of the new cabanas at BFREE.

Recently BFREE has started a new projects: building three cabanas for researchers and visitors. There will be two 14 x 14 buildings and one 12 x 14 building. Everything will be handmade by Marcelino with help from Miguel, Mick, Elmer, Kai, Wilder and Rebecca. Currently they are busy mixing and pouring cement for the base and bending and cutting rebar for support. Marcelino hopes to be finished with the project by June.

Wood Thrush Research Using Geolocators

A Woodthrush with a new geolocator.

A wood thrush with a new geolocator.

This year at BFREE we have two researching groups that are here to study a bird called the wood thrush. This bird is a declining threatened species that lives in the US and Canada, but during the winter months, it migrates down to Belize and other Central American countries for warmer weather. Emily McKinnon and Kevin Fraser are the members of one such research group. Emily is completing her final year of banding birds here. For the past 3 years, she has come to BFREE and has been putting geolocators onto the birds. These devices use light sensors and a calendar to determine the latitude and longitude of the bird. Described as little bird backpack, the device is almost invisible underneath the birds plumage. After getting a geolocator, the wood thrush are then released and they complete their migration back North with their backpacks recording their migration pattern from and back to BFREE. When the birds arrive back at BFREE, so do Kevin and Emily. They come back and catch the birds once more, trying to recollect the locators and the information stored on them. Some years the return rate has been very low and they only get one or two out of the forty locators they put out the previous year, but other years, like this one, they get back over 10 locators along with some from previous years with multiple migrations worth of information on them. Emily’s research will be using data from the geolocators to discuss the migratory patterns of these birds and their likelihood of returning to the same breeding ground year after year. Some birds captured multiple years after the geolocators were place on them have data showing the bird returning to the exact same place in North America. Even at BFREE, some of the birds are caught in the same net they were caught in previously. Through Emily and Kevin’s research, we are learning about patterns in bird that have never been explored in depth before.

Congratulations Gato!

Gato with a recently banded bird at BFREE.

Gato with a recently banded bird at BFREE.

Liberato Pop, known as Gato, has been accepted to a Banding Internship for 6 months in Oregon. He is going with the Klamath Bird Observatory and will be getting his bird banding certification and hopes to also receive certification to train others in banding. Gato heard about this internship through William Garcia, another BFREE birder who did the same internship a few years ago. William has taught Gato much about banding and training already and this program will be the final step for Gato to get his certification. After the training is over Gato will return to BFREE and teach others about banding and become involved in the birding community. He hopes to continue to do more work with birds throughout the Americas. The process for applying for this internship is very rigorous and Gato is privileged to have gotten this opportunity. He thanks everyone who assisted him and gave him recommendations and gives a special thanks to Judy, Jake, Jamie, and William.

Gato, we wish you the best of luck and hope you have a great time!