About Tyler Sanville
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Tyler Sanville contributed a whooping 193 entries.
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Hicatee Conservation Educational Resources
September 28, 2020 /0 Comments/in Blog, Uncategorized /by Tyler SanvilleTake Action, be a Hicatee Hero!
August 12, 2020 /0 Comments/in Hicatee Turtles /by Tyler SanvilleHow You Can Help the Hicatee The Hicatee Conservation and Research Center at the BFREE Field Station and Privately Protected Area invites your support and action this Hicatee Awareness Month and year-round. Some ways to help include: Be a Hicatee Hero; wear the cape and make the Hicatee Promise! Get creative, a blanket, towel, or […]
Turtle Survival Alliance Live Webinar at BFREE
July 2, 2020 /0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Tyler SanvilleBFREE joined the TSA for a live video chat from Belize where we shared the latest from the Hicatee Conservation & Research Center. This included an up-close look at the critically endangered adult and juvenile turtles as well as a surprise appearance from babies hatched that day.
Renovations to the BFREE Bunkhouse are Underway
June 11, 2020 /0 Comments/in Blog, Conservation, Eco-Tourism, Education, Field Course /by Tyler SanvilleThe Bunkhouse has served as the main dormitory for guests visiting BFREE since its completion in 1998 when it began as a 40’x12’ two-room structure. In 2008, it was expanded to double the original size and consequently doubled occupancy sleeping up to 24 people. Located just over 200m from the river and situated under the hulking shade of a […]
Introducing Jonathan Dubon, BFREE Science & Education Fellow
June 11, 2020 /0 Comments/in Blog, Conservation, Education, Educator, Hicatee Turtles, Internship, Student, Turtle Conservation, Uncategorized /by Tyler SanvilleBFREE is pleased to introduce our newest Science & Education Fellow, Jonathan Dubon. Jonathan grew up in Independence Village about 20 miles east of BFREE and has known from an early age that he wanted a career that would include his passions for field experience and outdoor adventures. This passion grows from visiting his Grandma’s farm near Punta Gorda […]
Summer Cooking Series with Nelly!
June 8, 2020 /0 Comments/in Blog, Chocolate, Education, Educator, News, Video /by Tyler SanvilleThis summer, we are bringing BFREE to you with a summer cooking series hosted by BFREE Field Course Leader, Nelly Cadle. Each month, Nelly has selected a staple of Belizean cuisine and the most loved dishes by our guests at BFREE to share with all of you through a Facebook Live cooking class. Follow @BFREEBELIZE […]
Spring Health Assessment 2020
April 2, 2020 /0 Comments/in Blog, Conservation, Education, Hicatee Turtles, Non-Proft, Research, Turtle Conservation, Uncategorized /by Tyler SanvilleBetween February 28th and March 1st, a total of 341 turtles (45 adults in the breeding population and 296 captive hatched animals) were assessed at the Hicatee Conservation and Research Center (HCRC). The primary purpose of the spring health assessment was to perform a basic exam of the overall health of the captive population at […]
Bringing BFREE to You!
March 23, 2020 /1 Comment/in Blog, Conservation, Educator, Uncategorized /by Tyler SanvilleRead a full update from BFREE on the latest during COVID-19 here: https://mailchi.mp/225f4bd263bf/bringingbfreetoyou-2447813 For most of us who remain home, trying our best to flatten the curve, cabin fever can set in quick. Many of you have reached out daydreaming about swimming in the Bladen River or hiking the BFREE boundary line. In response, we […]
Kicking off the Field Season
February 26, 2020 /0 Comments/in Argoforestry, Bird Conservation, Bladen Nature Reserve, Blog, Conservation, Eco-Tourism, Education, Educator, Facilities, Field Course, Student, Uncategorized /by Tyler SanvilleThe beginning of the year means the start of a brand new field season for BFREE. Kutztown University helped kick-off 2020 with an incredible group of 15 students and two instructors ready to embark on a two-week adventure in Belize. The group arrived on New Year’s Eve and spent the evening with Ernesto and Aurora Saqui in Maya Center […]