2015 Field Courses – Part II

BFREE groups came from the U.S. and from within Belize to engage in topics ranging from Architecture to Agriculture to Protected Areas to Biology.

April Field Courses

“Future Science Teachers of Belize,” Stann Creek Ecumenical Junior College, Belize – Though not quite a field course, these self-motivated young teachers-to-be, journeyed to BFREE on a Saturday to learn what the field station can offer their students in years to come.

Students from Stann Creek Ecumenical Junior College took personal initiative and visited BFREE for the day.

Students from Stann Creek Ecumenical Junior College took personal initiative and visited BFREE for the day.

“Birding in Belize,” led by Peter Burke of Field Guides

The Field Guides tour,"Birding in Belize," focuses on the southern part of the country.

The Field Guides tour,”Birding in Belize,” focuses on the southern part of the country.


May Field Courses

“Belize: Environment and Sustainability,” led by Ed Davis and Laura Hainsworth of Emory and Henry College, Virginia

Emory and Henry College

Emory and Henry College


Emory and Henry help shell cacao

Emory and Henry students removed seeds from cacao pods that they harvested – pic by Nelly Cadle.


Charles Wygal and David Novotne helped Tom Pop (shown left) plot temperature by depth in the HCRC ponds – pic by Ed Davis.

“Tropical Biology,” led by Halard Lescinsky of Otterbein University, Ohio

Otterbein University

Otterbein University


Otterbein students take a break during their tour of the Spice Farm

Otterbein students take a break at the Spice Farm – pic by Sipriano Canti.


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