Happy 30th Anniversary to BFREE!

Yesterday, I was filmed for a series of short videos we will be sharing in celebration of the thirty-year anniversary of BFREE. In the middle of the interview, the videographer said, “I think we need to find a quieter place, it’s too noisy here.” I agreed. The sounds of Scarlet macaws, Howler monkeys, and the ripples of the crystal-clear Bladen River drowned out my voice. In many ways, that moment captured the reason why we started BFREE and why we are still here.

During filming, I was also asked, “Did you have any idea that BFREE would become so large and impactful?”  I answered without hesitation, “Yes.”

Today, March 6th, marks thirty years since a small group of us crossed the Bladen River and made a base camp nearby. We set up tents, made a small open-air kitchen, and started to explore the property to determine where we would build the compound.

Although I couldn’t have known all the many discoveries, the incredible partners and supporters, the amazing people who would work here, the countless lives that would be positively impacted, and the many challenges along the way, what I did know was that BFREE was going to make a difference. We were going to be part of the solution, not the problem.

Scarlet macaws photographed from the Bruce Cullerton Memorial Observation Tower at BFREE by Roni Martinez

After thirty years of conservation action,  environmental education programs, scientific research, advocacy, and innovation, I know with confidence we have done just that. We have made a difference, a positive and long lasting one; to the wildlife populations that grace this incredible piece of property and adjoining reserves, to the countless people who have lived, worked, and visited this corner of paradise. We have also made a difference to the planet, where places like BFREE are few and far between, and needed to inspire people to take action to ensure the natural world is conserved for future generations.

I feel deeply appreciative of and humbled by every single person who has played a role in this journey. Owning and managing a 1153-acre private reserve in the middle of the rainforest is not for the weak of heart. It takes personal sacrifice, deep commitment, persistence, and above all – passion. And, a lot of it. BFREE’s success has been due to all the contributions made by so many people, it’s impossible to name them all. You know who you are.

Thank you to our staff, our Board of Directors, our partners, our supporters, our visitors, and all the many people that have believed in BFREE’s mission over these past thirty years.

Happy thirtieth anniversary BFREE. Onward and upward!

In stewardship and with gratitude,

Jacob A. Marlin, Executive Director